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Mold Remediation: How to Do It?


mold remediation services

In Florida, mold remediation is always in demand due to heavy rainfalls, hurricanes, and old, worn-out pipes bursting and leaking. Because natural disasters are not under human control, identifying, covering, and cleaning the areas is the only way to restore the spaces affected by mold. The damage can occur to both residential and commercial properties.

Residential mold remediation and commercial mold remediation are essential services because mold, a fungal growth that spreads through air and water splashes, can be challenging to remove without professional help. While minor or non-existent damage can be handled by homeowners or business owners themselves, significant mold issues require expert intervention to ensure complete eradication. Scrub off the hard surfaces for mold remediation with any detergent, water, and bleach. Fix the source of leakage and dry all the items completely. Throw away ceiling tiles, carpets, and other porous items that become moldy.

This is the simplest way to get rid of mold. But if you want to remove the damage completely, it’s impossible without professional cleaning. If you do not know how the process will work for your spaces, do not worry; by the end of this blog, you will know everything about it.

What is Mold Remediation? 

Mold remediation is the removal of mold or reducing its impacts. It’s the combination of two words: mold removal and abatement. Mold Damage Restoration is cleaning the area to prevent further damage caused by mold. It also includes the removal of molds’ life-threatening mycotoxins, especially black mold, so you can live, breathe, and perform day-to-day tasks in your vicinity comfortably. 

To find out how long it takes mold to grow, check the information on  How Long Does it Take for Mold to Grow. Then, you can initiate the process of remediation immediately.  

Cost of Mold Remediation 

The remediation and removal of mold depend upon the area’s square footage. For instance. On average, the removal ranges from $125 to $30,000 for overall property cleaning and restoration. However, according to a survey, the average estimate per square foot is $10 to $12.

Step-by-Step Process of Mold Remediation 

Mold removal is more than spraying a detergent and cleaning the area with spruce; it’s more than just cleaning.  Here is the complete guide to how Mold Remediation is going to work; the steps are 

Protective Gear Wear

The most crucial step in any restoration or clean-up process involving potentially hazardous materials is wearing the appropriate protective gear. This includes items such as:

  • Coveralls or protective clothing
  • Gloves (nitrile or rubber)
  • Respiratory protection (N95 or higher-rated masks)
  • Eye protection (safety goggles)
  • Proper footwear (steel-toed boots)

Assessment and Isolation of Area

Before any work begins, assessing the affected area and isolating it from the rest of the building or space is essential. This involves identifying the extent of the damage, the type of contaminants present, and the potential risks to occupants and workers. Proper containment measures, such as sealing off the area with plastic sheeting and establishing negative air pressure, should be implemented to prevent the spread of the contaminants.

Use Moisture to Suppress Dust

Dust suppression is crucial to prevent the further dispersal of airborne particulates. Lightly misting the affected areas with water can help keep the dust down and improve the clean-up process.

Remove the Affected Porous Material

Porous materials, such as contaminated or damaged carpets, upholstery, or drywall, must be removed and properly disposed of. These materials can harbor mold, bacteria, or other harmful substances and cannot be effectively cleaned.

Cleaning of Area

Once the affected porous materials have been removed, the remaining non-porous surfaces, such as hard floors, walls, and furniture, should be thoroughly cleaned. This may involve using specialized cleaning agents, HEPA-filtered vacuums, and other cleaning equipment to remove any remaining contaminants completely.

Sanitization of Area

After cleaning, the affected area should be sanitized to kill any remaining microorganisms or pathogens. Depending on the type of contamination, this may involve using EPA-registered disinfectants or other sanitizing methods.

Complete Drying of Area

Proper drying of the cleaned and sanitized area is essential to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria. This may involve dehumidifiers, fans, or other drying equipment to reduce moisture levels to acceptable levels.


Any damaged or removed materials should be replaced with new, clean materials to restore the affected area to its pre-incident condition. This may include installing new carpets, drywall, or other building materials.


By following these steps, you can effectively address and remediate contaminated or damaged areas, ensuring the safety of the occupants and the restoration of the affected space.

Why Choose Full Service Pros As Your Mold Remediation Partner? 


Full Service Pros is a top-tier mold remediation service provider in the Sunshine State. By choosing our Property Damage Restoration Services, you are not only restoring your homes to pre-damaged conditions but also getting benefits like 


  • 24/7 services with quick response to remove mold and lessen the damage that occurs due to mold. 
  • Trained technicians for complete restoration by using advanced methods and proactive approaches. 
  • From mold inspection, cleanup, testing, and restoration, we do everything to make the property seem like nothing happened here. 


Is your property also experiencing mold growth on walls, windows, wooden boxes, carpets, or anywhere else? Then, our remediation process is the key to the restoration process. We do it diligently so that you do not suffer from it later. 

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