Professional Mold Removal Services

Mold Removal Company with Certified Experts

Do you like any intruder on the premises of your homes and offices? Well a mold is that one intruder. In any vicinity, whether it’s your home or business space, mold growth always raises concerns. But to deal with that one uninvited intruder, you need a go-to professional for mold removal.

Instead of facing this eyesore and annoyance due to fungus growth on your home walls, furniture, under carpets, or any moist place, you need to get help from Full Service Pros. We are available 24/7 and reach your places without wasting a nanosecond. Our craftsmen have all the expertise to combat mold removals.

From inspection and assessment to the absolute removal of the molds, we procure every step to ensure maximum efficacy. The disinfectants we use to kill the mold spores and remove mold from the surfaces will also prevent further growth, as our high-quality disinfectants weaken the mold’s protein structure to repress its growth.

Don’t know what you exactly want? Call us and get our mold assessment services before availing of the mold removal process.

Mold Removal Company with Certified Experts
Molds That Grow in Indoors and Outdoors ​

Molds That Grow in Indoors and Outdoors

Where there is water, oxygen, and nutrients, mold growth is mandatory.  Some common types that can cause damage to health and property are

  • Cladosporium: If you have well-furnished homes and the walls and flooring are made of wood, then Cladosporium is a mold that will be visible on surfaces. The simple recognition symptoms of molds are black, brown, and green. 
  • Penicillium: The color of the penicillium is bluish-green, which seems quite mesmerizing when you look at it. However, mold spores can cause severe respiratory issues and allergic reactions.  
  • Aspergillus: If you are an asthma patient, you need to eradicate the growth of Aspergillus as soon as possible. It appears in multiple colors and causes severe lung infections in people with weak immune systems. 
  • Alternaria: If your homes have installed bathtubs, showers, and sinks and are exposed to continuous moisture and water, then Alternaria, a black mold, will appear on the surfaces. It triggers asthma reactions and skin rashes.
  • Stachybotrys Chartarum: Although the mold grows rarely in indoor places. However, the spores of this mold can cause severe damage to kidneys and DNA.
Need Mold Removal Services? Connect with Us Now!

Save Your Spaces From Fungus Affects

Do you want to know how our experts are performing their duties? Before jumping to the conclusion, we assess all the possible sources and places of fungal growth. Whether you seek a property damage restoration company or plan to get the assessment report, we always begin with an actionable plan. For mold removal, our steps are

  • Mold Inspection: All the affected areas are scrutinized for mold presence. 
  • Testing and Mold Identification: We induce various methods such as visual inspection, testing kits, and air sampling.  
  • Containment: The affected areas are isolated carefully so that the spores donot spread to nearby materials during the removal.  
  • Air Filtration: Using highly advanced air scrubbers, the air is filtered to free it from spores.  
  • Removal and cleanup: The surface is made mold-free by using HEPA vacuums and high-quality biocides.
  • Replacement (if you want): Although our removal process includes everything to restore your spaces, replacing material affected by mold is aslo available. 

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Mold Removal to Mold Damage Restoration- We are the Experts

You have itchy eyes and a cough, and you think it’s due to weather conditions? Maybe not. Identifying the signs and removing mold can be stressful, but not for Full Service Pros. We are a tried and trusted mold removal company with years of expertise and experience.

Lack of maintenance, leaky pipes, and no clean-ups of gutters can lead to funky odors and mold spread, which can be scariest. But we make the removal and mold damage restoration process flawless. With top-tier equipment, high-quality disinfectants, and the support of a vetted team, every corner of your property will stay free from mold growth.

Save Your Spaces From Fungus Affects

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What Is Mold and Why Is It a Concern?

 A mold is a group of fungi that can be penicillium, aspergillus, or black mold. It is usually found in areas of high humidity in buildings or establishments. If the mold is without spores, it is not as dangerous as you have probably assumed. However, once mold spores are floating in the air, more serious signs of people’s health deteriorate, such as coughing, wheezing, runny nose, asthma, etc.

 If the colored spots and stains on the walls, doors, under carpets, or any area are visible, then the commercial and residential buildings are contaminated by mold. There will also be a musty smell and some type of cracking so that mold will have a chance to start growing and increase on your property.

If the mold adheres to any material in your property, remove it before it spreads into the surrounding area. For smaller areas of more complex surfaces, use a disinfectant. You can use bleach to clean the area and kill the mold on the surfaces.

The two principal procedures that can be used to eliminate mold are spraying and painting the mold area white. If mold penetrates the insulated part, they have to dismantle it so that they can spray and treat the mold.

 Typically, the insurance pays for the removal of mold, although such a situation occurs rarely or when there is massive damage. Contrary to this, the insurance does not cover if the mold is extended because of your poor management and carelessness. 

How Long Does the Mold Removal Process Take?

For small localized areas, the mold can be wiped and cleaned within 2-3 days, while if scaled up to certain levels, it can take up to 7 days or more to clean all the mold off the surfaces.

If you are an asthma patient or have a weak immune system, which can worsen the condition, staying home while cleaning and removing is an appropriate idea. But with proper masking and covering of your mouth and nose, you can keep a check on the cleaning process.

The mold spores are invisible and always fly from one place to another, but the mold cannot grow in areas without water and moisture. If any outside surface of your home or commercial property has mold on the surface, the spores come in contact with moisture and water indoors and start growing.

Improve the ventilation system so air can cross and reach the places to prevent any damping and moisture in the homes. Make sure that foundations donot stay wet, and fix all the leaks to protect your property free from all these things to prevent the return of mold after removal.

Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, and many other molds harm health. It imposes threats to human health, which are sometimes incurable. So, instead of waiting for the spread of molds, call a mold removal specialist without wasting a second.